
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Seeing something magical

Something magical happened in Little Rock. I thought it was magical- if you have ever seen a field full of hot air balloons up close, you may not find it out of the ordinary but I really thought it was magical. I took photos of this balloon as it filled with air & was awestruck by how quickly it went from a pile of colorful fabric to a massive mode of transportation. They are so BIG up close... and we were very close! This balloon came to life as we stood in the concession line, close enough that we could feel the heat from the torches once they were turned on. When the balloon is on its side they use a big fan to begin to fill it with air before firing up the torches. I'll post more photos next week of the whole field with more of the balloons- they are beautiful at night when the torches are firing. Enjoy!

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